Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Spring has sprung here in my little KY town. The flowers are blooming.

We have a new little fellow that has found us. I think he belongs to someone. He's very tame and becoming territorial which doesn't set well with the other cat members of our family. We are hoping to find his family and return him. And if not, maybe a new family that will love him. And this needs to be happening soon before I get attached to him and name him Zebulon (Zeb for short; anyone else a child of the 70s who grew up watching The Waltons? You will know where I came up with Zeb. Lol!)

On the stitching front, I've been very unfocused. I can't seem to stick to one thing lately and therefore the only thing I'm accomplishing is making a mess pulling out multiple projects and making a couple of new starts that I quickly abandoned.

I finished Small Token by Blackbird Designs for the 2012 Year of Smalls.

I started March Wordplay by With Thy Needle and Thread.

Also started Spring by Cross eyed Cricket.

I think part of my focusing problem has been because I had been working on Sarah Woodham. Somehow I lost the part of the pattern that is the over one verse. I'm sure it's around here somewhere, and it will turn up,but it is driving me insane trying to figure out where it is.

As for knitting, I don't have much to show there but I did aquire a few cute new project bags and a set of stitch markers that I love.

Sock bag from Slipped Stitch Studios on Etsy. LOVE this! Very well made and how can you resist a sick project bag with well, socks! on the fabric. :)

A couple of just as awesomely made bags from Tangerine Designs on Etsy.

Hunger Games stitch markers also by Tangerine Designs. Love this series of books, love these stitch markers, can't wait to see this movie.

I think that's all of my ramblings for today, folks!

Enjoy the rest of your week.

Happy Stitching!


  1. Everything you pictured on your blog is totally cool!!!!! I hope the kitty finds a good home or stays with you!!! Are you going to see Hunger Games right away???

  2. Oh gosh, I love the name Zebulon -- ever since the Waltons. lol! I loved that series!!!! Lovely spring flowers! They're starting here too, but not as far along by any means. Love all your stitching projects too! So pretty!
