Saturday, March 3, 2012


My heart is breaking for all the families that lost loved ones and their homes in this week's storms.

Our little town fared better than some but did not remain unscathed.

We were hit on Wednesday by two EF-2 tornados. No lives were lost here thankfully. One of the tornados ripped through the neighborhood right next to my middle school and leveled it. We were at school when all of this moved through. We had kids in the hallways from 9:00 a.m. until after 1:00 p.m. with a couple of 15 minute reprieves. We lost power by 10:00 am. Our students were AMAZING. I am still so proud of them! They listened so well and were so patient. We are so blessed that this tornado literally "jumped" over our school. My husband and son were experiencing the same things at their respective schools. DH works at the high school; DS attends one of the elementary schools. I am very thankful for the staff at my son's school who kept him safe and tried to keep him calm. He suffers terribly from storm phobia (almost debilitatingly); it was a very long emotional day for him and I could not be there to comfort him. I was needed at my school and it was too dangerous to leave to go get him.

Had we been home, this would have been the view from our front door. This picture was taken from within our neighborhood.

But we are blessed. We have not had the destruction that others received on Friday.

We were very nervous about the storms on Friday after the events of Thursday. We knew Fridays storms were on the same path as Wednesday's but were predicted to be a lot worse. We were home this time when they hit. Thankfully it was just high winds, thunderstorms, and hail for us this time around.

I'm so thankful that my family is safe and sound... All of my family, extended family too.

My thoughts and prayers are with those who were not as fortunate.


  1. So glad you and your family are safe. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected..

  2. Oh Kellie, so scary and sad. I'm so glad you and yours are safe, but so sad to think of so many affected by the tornadoes and storms. :(

  3. Thank goodness you are safe.

  4. I can't even imagine what these last few days, and I'm so happy to know that you and yours are safe.

  5. Glad to hear your family and neighborhood made it without mishaps! We were fine this time as well.

  6. Glad to hear that you are all safe and sound. I remember so well the tornado drills in school while living in Kansas, I can't imagine having to use them for "real".

  7. I can't even imagine experiencing a tornado, Kellie. I'm very glad to know you and your family were all spared any damage...

  8. Glad to know you and your family are safe, Kellie. We saw the devastation on the news last night. "Awful" just doesn't sum it up.

  9. Thank goodness you're all safe. Amazing photo of the tornado.

  10. So glad you and your family are safe! We weren't hit here either but those around us suffered terrible devastation. There are collections going on everywhere for the basic needfuls. I feel so bad for them.
